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“No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.” – Winston Churchill The US Presidential election has been a welcome distraction during the national lockdown amid the ongoing […]
Tags: covid, democracy, US elections
Investment management
What does the Covid-19 pandemic have to do with Capital Gains Tax? The coronavirus pandemic has had an unprecedented impact on public sector finances and will continue to do so for many years to come. Increasing Capital Gains Tax is one option available to the Chancellor of the Exchequer to help him balance the books […]
Tags: Capital gains tax, Coronavirus, financial planning, investments, portfolios
Financial Planning,
Investment management
“Interest rates are to asset prices what gravity is to an apple. When there are low interest rates, there is a low gravitational pull on asset prices.” Warren Buffett In February 2009 when base interest rates had just been cut to 1% per annum, I had a friendly wager with an accountant friend about the […]
Tags: cash savings, inflation, interest rates
Financial Planning,
Investment management
Minutes of the Clarion Investment Committee held at 1pm on 15th October 2020 by video link. Committee Members in attendance: – Sam Petts (SP) IC Chairman and Financial Planner Keith Thompson (KWT) Clarion Chairman Dmitry Konev (DK) Analyst (Margetts Fund Management) Toby Ricketts (TR) Fund Manager (Margetts Fund Management) Jacob Hartley (JH) Technical Assistant Clarion […]
Tags: funds, MGTS Clarion Explorer, MGTS Clarion Meridian, MGTS Clarion Prudence, MTGS Clarion Navigator
Investment management
“Headlines, in a way, are what mislead you because bad news is a headline and gradual improvement is not.” Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft Foundation. Is it too bold to assert that we are reaching peak uncertainty? Possibly, although the impending conclusion of the US Presidential elections, ongoing Brexit negotiations, as well as lockdown restrictions […]
Tags: covid, Japan, no deal Brexit, US elections
Investment management
Meet Sam Petts, one of our financial planners, who also holds the important role as chairman of the Clarion Investment Committee. Sam has been an active member on the committee for a few years now but became the chairman earlier this year. Here he tells us about the role of chairman on the committee and […]
Tags: funds, Investment committee, investments, markets, wealth management
Investment management
Minutes of the Clarion Investment Committee held at 10am on 17th September 2020 by video link. Committee members in attendance: – Sam Petts (SP) IC Chairman and Financial Planner Keith Thompson (KWT) Clarion Chairman Dmitry Konev (DK) Analyst (Margetts Fund Management) Matt Jealous (MJ) Fund Manager (Margetts Fund Management) Jacob Hartley (JH) Technical Assistant Clarion […]
Tags: Investment committee, investments, MGTS Clarion Explorer, MGTS Clarion Meridian, MGTS Clarion Prudence, MTGS Clarion Navigator, wealth management
Investment management
“The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time” Abraham Lincoln It is now just over six months since the World Health Organisation declared the human tragedy that is now known as Covid-19 a pandemic. The virus that has claimed over one million deaths and caused much suffering continues […]
Tags: Boris Johnson, Brexit, covid, deal, stock markets, trade, treaty, US elections
Investment management
Minutes of the Clarion Investment Committee held at 10am on 20th August 2020 by video link. Committee Members in attendance: – Sam Petts (SP) IC Chairman and Financial Planner Keith Thompson (KWT) Clarion Chairman Dmitry Konev (DK) Analyst (Margetts Fund Management) Toby Ricketts (TR) Fund Manager (Margetts Fund Management) Jacob Hartley (JH) Technical Assistant Clarion […]
Tags: Explorer, investment, markets, Meridian, Navigator, Prudence
Financial Planning,
Investment management